Making new products out of old by reusing and recycling waste. Recycled materials are collected, processed, or manufactured into new products, but then just purchased, all of which can be recycled again and again. Steel and iron scrap, aluminium cans, wine bottles, paper, wood, as well as plastics are among the most common recyclables. Recycled materials can be used in place of increasingly scarce natural resources such as petroleum, natural gas, coal, mineral ores, as well as trees in the production of new raw materials. It’s becoming increasingly expensive to dispose of waste in landfills, which can be reduced by recycling. As a result of recycling, waste disposal is less harmful to the environment.
Internal and external recycling operations are two of the most common. Internal recycling is really the practise of reusing waste materials from one manufacturing process in another. Metals recycling, for example, is commonplace. When copper tubing is made, it leaves behind tube ends and trimmings, which are remelted and recast to make new tubes. Another example of internal recycling can be found in the vacuum distillation industry, where spent grain concoction is dried as well as processed into cattle feed after the distillation process has been complete.

When a product is no longer useful, it can be recycled externally by reclaiming the materials from it. An type of external recycling seems to be the collection and manufacturing of new paper products from old magazines and newspapers for repulping. Everyday objects such as aluminium cans as well as glass bottles are also recycled on a large scale. There are three primary ways to collect these materials: buy-back centres buy consumer-sorted waste materials and bring them in; drop-off centres accept consumer-sorted waste materials but do not pay for them; and road side collection, in which residents and buildings sort there own waste materials but also deposit them by the stop for collection by such a central agency.
Whether as well as how much society recycles is largely determined by economic factors. Humans’ tendency to simply jettison used materials is aided by economic prosperity and the availability of low-cost raw materials. When the cost of reprocessing squandering or recycled material is lower than the cost of trying to treat and disposing of a materials or processing new raw materials, recycling becomes economically attractive.